November 08, 2008

Ischiatic / Sciatic Nerve

Man oh man......
Jimi's life has ups and downs and this time its a down time.
This is regarding my back pain, today is the only day that I felt really relieve!

Why, its been a month or so since I felt so much pain. I've been to so many doctors... so many rehab sessions, so many physical therapist that I've met here and there. But the pain is still there and I thought that this pain is goin' under the knife.

My doctor gave a list of medicine to take. When I look the prescription, my eyes widened! Man! I have to take four different medicines just to relieve the stupid pain.... and the doc added that sooner or later the doc will inject a steroid. In my mind... it's a hell "NO"! The doc even told me that I need MRI. Well, MRI is cool but steroids and a ton of liver toxic pain killers... NO!

That's when I decided to go traditional healing. Yes, you read it right!

I went to St. Clare Patronage of the Sick & Poor. It's been a while now and you know what? The pain eases out slowly. But the best part is when Manong Rudy Cacdac massage me....

Mang Rudy's ideals and techniques are old but very effective on me. He uses Shiatsu and swedish massage and after that he used a accupressure on me. Everytime he presses a pressure point on my right leg and I felt it like I needed to go to the toilet and take a leak.

After two hours, the session that I have with Mang Rudy ended. Thats when my breathing returned to normal. And when I stood up.... the pain from my back had gone. In just one session with Mang Rudy my pain just gone with the wind.

Mang Rudy explained that my problem is not just my lumbar that my doctor told me... the problem is so simple as he explains... he said that its my "Ischiatic Nerve" (click link to know more) that causes my back pain. Although I dont understand some of his explaining but the point is that the pain is gone. He told me that I needed four more sessions with him, if I skip one then i'm back on square one. Well, do I have a choice? So, I'll have to see him again.

After this or after the four sessions, I think I can return to my regular sessions like my regular routine at the gym to burn some fats that I gained and to jam again to my band mates. Man, I really miss those things. And also.... I can play basketball again and that is only a small part of jimi's life, my life :P

By the way, I visited the and you know what? Mang Rudy is right. All I need is a good massage and some acupunctures sessions. Try to visit the site about back pains and you will learn more. Well, I did. :P

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