Since i was a kid, i always look up the Beatles, Black Sabbath & Juan dela Cruz Band as my idols in music.
When i learn to play a guitar, me & my friends imagine that we are playing a cover in a make believe stage of our own. I'm on the bass guitar, as we stroke our guitars as the music played on the cassette recorder, we closes our eyes and we saw what we want to see...
Life is simple back then in my grade school era, but when i bought my own bass guitar, i started looking for a band of my own. The music genre that we played back then is a Rock & Roll. We where playing Black Sabbath's music then. But when the time comes when some of my fellow band mates refuses to play anymore, that's the time we disbanded our group. I look again for another band to play with. This time, the genre is Punk, and we slam every time we played a punk music. It was fun & wild back then. After a year or so, our lead guitarist got hooked on drugs as well as our drummer. Then, i call it quits for them.
After my college days, i formed another group, this time its an acoustic type of music. With less than 3 moths of practice, we had a gig. We had a chemistry that time, the gig continues for a year. But, then again, we had to part ways. Some had family issues, lover quarrels & money problems... i can't hold them back, because i know i can't give them what they want.
I'm on my 30's, as i look at the past, it was fun, crazy, wild music days for me. I hang my guitars (bass, electric, acoustic) on my wall to remind me how i struggle to be a musician. As my drum set rust to age & my keyboard now is covered by the dust of time, i look at them as the "unsung/unplayed instruments" of my life... jimi's life that is.
Now, i have 2 beautiful kids, maybe someday, one of them will inherit my passion for music. And i hope that they don't mess around with it.
Musicians is like a song that has no melody until someone listens...
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